Department of Social Sciences
Christian Religious Knowledge (CRS)
Without prejudice to the general admission requirements, candidates with relevant diploma from the seminaries or Certificate in Theology from recognized institutions may be considered for admission after clearance from the Commission.
Department of Sciences
Biology (BIO)
Pre-NCE candidates should have a minimum of 2.0 GPA before transiting to read Biology at NCE level
Department of Sciences
Integrated Science (SINGLE MAJOR: NCE)
Candidates wishing to study Integrated Science at NCE level must satisfy the general admission requirements. For candidates with Senior Secondary School Certificate or GCE ‘O’ Level, the credit pass must be from any two of the following groups:
a) Biology
b) Physics
c) Chemistry
d) General Science/Integrated Science
For candidates with Grade II Certificate, the credit or merit passes must be from any two of the following groups:
a) Biology
b) Physics
c) Chemistry
d) General Science/Integrated Science